Simon Mason Recovery Services

"I have supervised Simon Mason on several occasions over the last 5 years. He has always been professional, and I have been struck by both the conscientious manner in which he executes his duty of care for the client or patient and the extent of his knowledge and experience regarding addiction and related issues of mental health. He is the ideal recovery coach in that he has a clear understanding of the difference between the role of a professional and the role of a sponsor for example. He has a thorough knowledge of 12-step recovery and how it is delivered in traditional treatment centers. He is open to feedback and positive criticism – an essential requirement for productive supervision and growth – and talks about his charges honestly, professionally and also empathically. He would be an asset to any organisation, and I would have no hesitation in recommending him to work with vulnerable people in early recovery where trust and boundaries are essential. He understands the crucial separation between one’s own experience of recovery and drawing on such experience in a professional capacity.
Feel free to contact me for further questions."
Nick Mercer
BA (Hons), MA, Dip Couns
Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist
UKCP reg. (Philadelphia Association) FDAP no 1144
"This is a reference for Simon Mason, whom I have known for 19 years as my recovery peer, trusted friend, and fellow recovery band member, who has also become a colleague over the last decade. I have always found Simon to be an earnest, principled, and passionate individual, with considered attention towards retaining the highest degree of due diligence and absolute integrity, in all that he does. Alongside his own journey of recovery, Simon has extensive experience of working directly with clients as a sober companion, recovery coach, and keyworker, in clinical, domestic and social settings.
I have observed that Simon has great insight and the ability to engage with reflective practice and interpersonal skills, for which I believe he has a natural affinity, alongside having a very endearing character, that lends itself to building rapport and trust with those around him. Simon is an honest and reliable individual, and a fantastic Recovery Coach, so I know with absolute confidence, that he will be a valuable asset to any employer and therapeutic team in the addiction treatment field."
Yours sincerely,
Chula J Goonewardene MBACP
Clinical Consultant & Psychotherapist
"I hope this serves appropriately as a reference for Simon Mason, I have absolute confidence in Simon performing all addiction recovery-related roles that you may have for him. He has carried out various assignments for Sober Services over the years, though the most recent was for 18 weeks when he single-handedly managed an intense Recovery Coaching / Sober Companion assignment for Sober Services.
He completed all requested tasks on time and delivered daily reports to me remotely. The client was extremely happy with the service and has maintained his abstinence-based recovery since the episode. I have nothing but praise for Simon, his experience, his professionalism, his creativity and his rapport-building skills. I wouldn’t hesitate to approach him again should I have a role for him. Should you need to talk further to me, please know that I’m in and out of availability but happy to assist."
Ian Young.
"A really sound guy. I don't know where to start to tell you about Simon. I met him after my life imploded, by my own fault, and he was neither pushy nor easy. I did not employ him as a coach, I was broke ass and didn't even know about such things, but he was and is one of the good guys in recovery. Not bossy, but not a walkover. He tells you what you need to hear when you least want to hear it, but in such a way you don't want to punch him. Except you do, just a little. On the surface we talked about other things we were both into, music, writing, N16. But below the surface, I knew he understood how I felt, to lose everything dear to me ( again, not a pity party, my own fault) and how it was at least possible to get some of that back again. He made me understand the realm of possibility, and that possibility did not just happen, you were not granted it, you had to make it happen. By sharing his story , how low he went , how he came back from that, was really inspiring. If you are in this situation, stuck in addiction, I would check this guy out. If you have explored other opportunities and they have not worked, I would check this guy out. If you are desperate, alone, broken, I would check this guy out. He has so much wisdom about recovery, he does not tell you it's a piece of piss, a walk in the park. He just listens, tells you what you need to know to get to the better place, and listens some more. For me, the help was practical. He'd give me a ride home to my temp accomodation, and he'd play great music in the car. He never stepped over the mark, never told me anything I was not ready to hear, though he did tell me stuff that I did not WANT to hear. But I needed to."